objSQL Helper Method: Update
The obj_update() helper method executes an update statement with minimal SQL markup and is called from the objSQL class.
- The $table argument is required.
- The $data argument is required and MUST be a key value pair array with the table column as the key.
- The optional $where argument allows you to limit which rows are updated and only requires the column and its value. You can use any of the normal operators used in SQL statements:
- "location IN ('Athens','London')"
- "location='Valdosta' AND dept='IT'"
- "salary BETWEEN 20000 AND 40000"
- obj_update() will update all records in a database table if used without a where clause and steps should be taken in any script or program to utilize a confirmation before executing this method unless the intention is to update the entire table.
Returns: Result resource/object or false on failure.
//usage: $dbh->obj_update( $table, $data, $where )
$data = array( "color" => "blue",
"type" => "leather",
"price" => 36.95 );
$rs = $dbh->obj_update( "products", $data, "prod_id=21" );
if ( $dbh->obj_error() )
throw new Exception( $dbh->obj_error_message() );
echo $rs->obj_affected_rows();
catch ( Exception $e )
//log error and/or redirect user to error page