Executes an insert statement which requires no SQL markup and is called from the objSQL class.
See also: Inserting Multiple Rows
mixed obj_insert ( [str table[, array data ]] )
Result resource/object or false on failure.
$data = array( "product" => "balloon",
"color" => "red",
"size" => "small",
"price" => 2.50 );
$rs = $dbh->obj_insert( "mytable", $data );
if ( $dbh->obj_error() )
throw new Exception( $dbh->obj_error_message() );
echo $rs->obj_affected_rows();
catch ( Exception $e )
//log error and/or redirect user to error page
//set arguments using statement argument helper methods
$dbh->obj_table( "mytable" );
$dbh->obj_data( array( "product" => "balloon",
"color" => "red",
"size" => "small",
"price" => 2.50 ) );
$rs = $dbh->obj_insert();
if ( $dbh->obj_error() )
throw new Exception( $dbh->obj_error_message() );
echo $rs->obj_affected_rows();
catch ( Exception $e )
//log error and/or redirect user to error page
See also: obj_delete, obj_paging, obj_query, obj_select, obj_update
The obj_insert method allows you to easily insert multiple rows.
$data = array( "product" => "balloon,balloon,balloon,balloon",
"color" => "red,green,blue,pink",
"size" => "small,small,small,small",
"price" => 2.50,2.50,2.50,2.50 );
$rs = $dbh->obj_insert( "mytable", $data );
if ( $dbh->obj_error() )
throw new Exception( $dbh->obj_error_message() );
echo $rs->obj_affected_rows();
catch ( Exception $e )
//log error and/or redirect user to error page
//set arguments using statement argument helper methods
$dbh->obj_table( "mytable" );
$dbh->obj_data( array( "product" => array( "balloon","balloon","balloon","balloon" ),
"color" => array( "red","green","blue","pink" ),
"size" => array( "small","small","small","small" ),
"price" => array( 2.50,2.50,2.50,2.50 ) ) );
$rs = $dbh->obj_insert();
if ( $dbh->obj_error() )
throw new Exception( $dbh->obj_error_message() );
echo $rs->obj_affected_rows();
catch ( Exception $e )
//log error and/or redirect user to error page